
Caring Cubs is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.  Help support Caring Cubs by making a donation using the buttons below:

Philanthropic Polar Bear $100 donation:
Benevolent Brown Bear $50 donation:
Giving Giant Panda $25 donation:
Other amount (every bit helps!):

You do not need to log-in to PayPal or have a password to do so, on the bottom left-hand side of the PayPal screen look for:


Does your company offer a matching gift program?  Many companies offer programs that will match or even double your personal donation.  Please contact your human resources department to determine if Caring Cubs is eligible to receive matching gift funds and for guidance as to  processing their matching gift.  Thank you!
Caring Cubs Tax ID #27-0345867
16005 Chagrin Boulevard
Suite 1708
Cleveland, Ohio 44120