
August 2018 Ben and Jerry’s Fundraiser

Caring Cubs came together to celebrate our 10th anniversary with ice cream and giving back! While celebrating our 10th anniversary, we supported Shoes and Clothes for Kids who are about to celebrate their 50th anniversary! Shoes and Clothes for Kids (SC4K) is the only non-profit organization in Greater Cleveland providing new shoes, school uniforms, clothes and school supplies throughout the year at no charge to thousands of children in need. Our cubs and families decorated 95 thank you cards for teachers. These cards will be placed in the teachers’ bags at checkout by SC4K volunteers. It will be fun for the volunteers and hopefully bring a smile to the teachers as they start a new year. Our cubs and their families generously donated 474 pencils, 183 glue sticks, 50 boxes of crayons, 14 notebooks, 5 bottles of glue, 4 folders, 2 packs of erasers, 1 box of markers, and a pair of scissors. These items will be delivered to the Cleveland Kids in Need Resource Center this week and immediately available for teachers to select for free for their classrooms! Thank you to all the Caring Cubs families who joined us at Ben & Jerry’s!

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To see more photos from our fantastic fundraiser, click here!


August 2018 The Gathering Place

Caring Cubs returned to The Gathering Place to decorate thinking of you cards and gift bags. The Gathering Place will use the gift bags for wigs to those who experience hair loss due to cancer treatment. We hope that our efforts will bring a smile to the face of those who are receiving their services. We were happy to receive a tour of their facilities and extra enrichment from their lovely staff.

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To see more photos from the westside location, click here

For more photos from the eastside location, click here


July 2018 Youth Challenge

Our Caring Cubs enjoyed a beautiful afternoon at Euclid Beach Park celebrating Christmas in July with Youth Challenge Krazy Kampers. Everyone enjoyed holiday themed games (present hot potato, snowball fight, chimney present toss, Christmas catch phrase), a jingle bell sing-a-long and cookie decorating. The Cubs and Kampers also decorated birthday cards for Eliza Bryant Village and welcome cards for the Thomas Jefferson Newcomer Academy. Thank you to Youth Challenge for such a fun event!

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To see more photos from this great project, click here!


May 2018 Cleveland Sight Center

Our Cubs enjoyed a beautiful spring morning planting flowers for the Cleveland Sight Center. They were able to dig, plant, and brighten the Center’s front beds. The Cubs also learned how to use all 5 of their senses to experience the world in different ways. To top it off, we had a special guest! Avenue came to teach us how guide dogs help keep their owners safe.

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If you would like to see more photos from this project click here


January 2018 Gigi’s Playhouse

Birthdays are always fun! Even better when shared with new friends! Caring Cubs learned about the many ways we can give a gift. Gifts that are handmade are special and the gift of your time can go a long way. We showcased these values while creating 95 stationary cards for Gigi’s Playhouse of Cleveland this morning, and, cleaning toys so all who play stay healthy. Our service project coincided with the Playhouse’s second birthday since opening its doors to families affected by down syndrome in our community. We had a great time mingling and checking out all the cool stuff used for enrichment during weekly classes at Gigi’s.

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You can see more photos from this fun project by clicking here!


November 2017 Metroparks Trail Ambassador Recognition

It was a busy Saturday for Caring Cubs! While some of our board members ran the service project at Tri-C, others volunteered at the Zoo! Caring Cubs has held many service projects at various MetroPark locations over the years so our board was delighted and honored to help at the recognition breakfast for all the volunteer Trail Ambassadors in the Cleveland MetroPark system. It was fitting to have our young volunteer cubs help recognize the large group of mostly retired volunteer adults for the work they do to keep our parks safe!

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November 2017 Tri-C Service Project

Over 100 enthusiastic volunteers joined Caring Cubs at Cuyahoga Community College western campus to volunteer and give back to their community! Our families collected 362 books to donate to the Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS). DCFS has a library of books available to anyone who visits their office and the children are encouraged to take home any book they enjoy. Caring Cubs then decorated 210 holiday cards to support the American Red Cross of Greater Cleveland and their Holiday Mail for Heroes program. The cards will be delivered to veterans and military families in our community. Our cubs also made and decorated 154 musical shakers for the Educators of Today and Tomorrow (ETT) to use when they work with inner city children. ETT club members advocate for keeping music in the school curriculum and demonstrate that commitment by teaching appropriate songs, chants, rhythms, and games that the children can actively engage in to enhance their learning. Caring Cubs is so appreciative of our ongoing partnership with the Educators of Today and Tomorrow (ETT) student club at Cuyahoga Community College Western campus. ETT students as well as additional education majors volunteered at the event and worked directly with Caring Cubs to complete the projects. Thank you to the Tri-C Early Childhood Education Program for hosting Caring Cubs for the fifth year! We are so proud of everything that our families accomplished! Hundreds of local children and veterans will benefit from the projects we completed!

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See more photos from this great annual project here and see lots of completed cards here!



October 2017 Operation Warm Up at NCJW/Cleveland

Thank you so much to Becky Brouman from the National Council of Jewish Women/Cleveland for hosting our Caring Cubs! We learned about donating both new and used items and how they make the recipient feel. Our families got to sort incoming donations and learn about the process. Our cubs also made 38 fleece scarfs and attached homemade gift tags to make their donations feel like a gift of friendship. We collected a total of 18 packages of new underwear and socks to donate to Operation Warm-Up (a winter clothing collection that is distributed at Cleveland’s Homeless Stand Down).

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See more photos of the hard workers and sweet gift tags here!