Caring Cubs had one of our largest events of the year this past Saturday!
***We are proud to announce that with donations received at the event, as well as donations turned in to Caring Cubs board members over the past few days, we are donating over 950 new and gently used stuffed animals, puzzles, games, books, and toys to the Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services!!!***
The collection of new and gently used stuffed animals, puzzles, games, books, and toys for DCFS is an annual event for Caring Cubs. Caring Cubs board members will deliver the donations to DCFS this week where they will fill the “Treasure Chest.” Items in the “Treasure Chest” are available at any time for social workers to pick out gifts for the children they are working with. Children could receive an item for a good report card, during a visitation with their parents, or a day when they could use some cheering up. If your child has a special stuffed friend or toy, he or she will readily understand what an important comfort they can provide for another child.
Caring Cubs also supported the American Red Cross of Greater Cleveland and their Holiday Mail for Heroes program by making and decorating holiday cards that will be delivered to local veterans and military families. Our children and their parents signed and decorated over 375 holiday cards! Some examples of the sweet and thoughtful cards can be found in the photo album.
Thank you to the Tri-C Early Childhood Education Program for hosting this event for the third year! We are especially appreciative of the Educators of Today and Tomorrow Club who volunteer at our event.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this event!

Additional photos from this event can be found here!