
June 2016 Gathering Place Service Project

Caring Cubs spent a beautiful day making nearly 200 thank you cards at both the Beachwood and Westlake locations of The Gathering Place! These cards will be used throughout the year to send appreciation – we’re sure they’ll think of our Cubs each time they reach for one! The Beachwood location enjoyed working in and exploring the beautiful, tranquil gardens and were treated to a story time by the Children’s Program director. We are grateful, as always, for the hospitality shown to us by The Gathering Place!

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You can find pictures from this fun service project here!


May 2016 BMHS Environment Project

Caring Cubs was excited to again partner with the amazing biology department to maintain and add to the natural habitat located at Berea-Midpark High School! Our cubs got to plant some native species, move some mulch and get dirty! We also got to check out the rain garden we helped create 2 years ago and see how well the plants are thriving!

There were multiple stations set up for the kids to enjoy, including a fun environmental themed game, side walk chalk to encourage visitors to the school to think green, planting a sunflower seed to take home for our yards and, of course, reading Dr. Seuss’s “The Lorax” and coloring pages from the book!

You can view pictures from this fun event here!


February 2016 UH ElderCenter

Thank you to the families that joined us at the ElderCenter near UH Parma Medical Center for crafts and BINGO! Caring Cubs visited with participants at the ElderCenter while putting together stationary kits! Cubs learned about day care for adults and played a big role in today’s entertainment. After all the kits were made, everyone enjoyed a few games of BINGO – a favorite for all ages! Caring Cubs families generously donated some new items for the ElderCenter’s prize bin so participants will have plenty to choose from, as they play BINGO every week! 

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Check out additional photos from this here!


January 2016 Library Event

Caring Cubs and the Cuyahoga County Public Library honored Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy of service to others and children in our community by giving the gift of reading. Caring Cubs kicked off our 2016 volunteer events at the North Royalton, South Euclid-Lyndhurst, and Parma-Snow branches of the Library.

Caring Cubs families generously donated nearly 170 books to Reach Out And Read (ROAR) and decorated 334 bookmarks that will be included in the donated books. From January 4-18 the Library has held a book drive to benefit ROAR, a nonprofit organization of medical providers who promote early literacy and school readiness in pediatric exam rooms nationwide. The Caring Cubs and book drive donations will be distributed to Reach Out and Read locations throughout our area.

Our three library branch locations also included a special story time for our Caring Cubs volunteers.

Thank you to the Cuyahoga County Public Library for including Caring Cubs in this project and to our families who braved the cold weather to donate and volunteer with us!

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You can view all the pictures from this event on our Facebook page found here.


December 2015 Young Athletes Event

Two volunteer groups combined to end the year with a little shimy shake at this fun event! Caring Cubs paired up with Young Athletes Cleveland at Baldwin Wallace this morning to make holiday cards and ornaments for the Providence House, a center that offers emergency shelter and care to children who are actively at risk for abuse and neglect due to family crisis. Young Athletes Cleveland brought the party with their certified instructor leading families through a half hour of fun exercise! Young Athletes is a developmentally appropriate play program targeted towards children with intellectual disabilities ages 2-7 years old. Through Young Athletes, volunteers introduce young children to the world of sport, with the goal of preparing them for Special Olympics sports training and competition when they get older. Volunteers from Baldwin Wallace kept the dance entertaining and were a huge help with set-up and clean-up at this event! 

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More photos from this fun event can be found here!


November 2015 Tri-C Event

Caring Cubs had one of our largest events of the year this past Saturday! 

***We are proud to announce that with donations received at the event, as well as donations turned in to Caring Cubs board members over the past few days, we are donating over 950 new and gently used stuffed animals, puzzles, games, books, and toys to the Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services!!!***

The collection of new and gently used stuffed animals, puzzles, games, books, and toys for DCFS is an annual event for Caring Cubs. Caring Cubs board members will deliver the donations to DCFS this week where they will fill the “Treasure Chest.” Items in the “Treasure Chest” are available at any time for social workers to pick out gifts for the children they are working with. Children could receive an item for a good report card, during a visitation with their parents, or a day when they could use some cheering up. If your child has a special stuffed friend or toy, he or she will readily understand what an important comfort they can provide for another child.  

Caring Cubs also supported the American Red Cross of Greater Cleveland and their Holiday Mail for Heroes program by making and decorating holiday cards that will be delivered to local veterans and military families. Our children and their parents signed and decorated over 375 holiday cards! Some examples of the sweet and thoughtful cards can be found in the photo album.

Thank you to the Tri-C Early Childhood Education Program for hosting this event for the third year! We are especially appreciative of the Educators of Today and Tomorrow Club who volunteer at our event.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this event!

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Additional photos from this event can be found here!


October 2015 UH Ahuja Event

Caring Cubs had a great time getting their hands a little dirty at University Hospitals Ahuja Medical Center to benefit the Family and Child Life Services Department. Our Cubs loved painting their hands and placing them on a banner that will hang at Rainbow’s Trick-or-Treat Street, an annual event held for patients to enjoy some Halloween festivities even though they’re hospitalized. Families did a great job making festive door hangers and Happy Halloween cards for patients, all with the thoughts of bringing some cheer to patients this October. The kids talked about their upcoming plans for Halloween, including costumes and trick-or-treating. They shared stories of times they were sick and missed a fun event, and then took time to think about kids that may be in the hospital this month missing Halloween. We love to give families these talking points when participating in Caring Cubs events, and the kids certainly understood the value of their hard work when it was all done! Moreover, families brought donations to the Child Life Department at Ahuja Medical Center. Their gifts will be used to comfort kids that are hospitalized or going through an unfamiliar procedure. Families learned about Comfort Measures, which are practices that were pioneered by Rainbow Child Life Specialists years ago and are now used worldwide!

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More pictures from this fun event can be found here!


September 2015 Market District Event

Caring Cubs visited the Strongsville Giant Eagle Market District for a program on Healthy Nutrition. A Market District team including a chef and dietician walked our cubs through a 20 minute activity of “Eat This Not That” presentation and a fun cooking activity. Finally we ended our day with the cubs making Get Well cards for the children at UH Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital.



July 2015: Summit County Humane Society

Caring Cubs visited Possibilities – the Summit County Humane Society. We learned a lot about how the shelter operates, how many animals they help and how we can best care for animals. Then we all fell in love with lots of dogs and cats on our tour of their facility! Thank you to the amazing staff and volunteers at Pawsibilities for hosting our Caring Cubs for this fun event!


You can check out more pictures from this event here.