
July 2015: Cleveland Food Bank benefiting the Cleveland Clinic

Caring Cubs visited the Greater Cleveland Food Bank to learn all about the organization and donate many canned goods for those in need! Our Caring Cub families did an AWESOME job making 19 No Sew Blankets that will be donated to the Children’s Hospital at the Cleveland Clinic. We also assembled many craft kits (dream catchers, sticker crafts, foam airplanes, bookmarks) for the children to do while in the hospital. It was a great morning. Many thanks to our volunteers and to the Greater Cleveland Foodbank for hosting us.

foodbank group

You can check out the entire photo album from this fun event here.


June 2015: North Chagrin Nature Center

The Cubs gathered at the North Chagrin Nature Center for some outdoor education. Families enjoyed learning about different creatures that can be found in and around the pond. Kids learn most when their brains are in a state of curiosity, and this group was awfully curious about the life cycles of each and every critter they found. Jake, the Cleveland Metroparks Naturalist that hosted our group, shared ways we can preserve our parks and waterways. Kids walked away with some great tips, such as not to bother dragon flies because they eat mosquitos!

We’re so thankful for all the school supplies that were donated at this event! Pens, pencils, markers, crayons, glue, binders and more will go to the Boys & Girls Club supporting Cleveland youth this fall. 

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More photos from this fun event can be found on Facebook.


May 2015: Berea Midpark High School

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Caring Cubs spent a beautiful day getting dirty at Berea-Midpark High School! We weeded, mulched and planted in the vegetable garden and got to see the new fountain that will provide students and staff a place for quiet, peaceful reflection. Thank you to Mary Draves and the entire team of Berea Midpark student volunteers for hosting our Caring Cubs families again this year! 

More photos from this event can be found on our Facebook page!


May 2015: Green Up Cleveland

Caring Cubs volunteered on May 2nd with Green Up Cleveland, which is a new organization founded by Sharon Holbrook (one of Caring Cubs founding members).

After a brief introduction by both Caring Cubs and Green Up, Sharon Holbrook read the children a book about the environment and things they could do to help clean up the earth. Next the children created sandwich board signs for them to wear while on their neighborhood “Litter Patrol”. All of the children (and adults) were provided with gloves and garbage bags for their patrol. After 30 minutes circling the block, the children returned back to the center with a total of 4 huge trash bags of litter! Post clean up, all of the families were invited to stay for the pizza party hosted by Green Up for all of their volunteers and our families received goodie bags and coloring books!

Fun was had by all at this great Caring Cubs event!

Green up Cleveland


April 2015: Cleveland Metroparks

Caring Cubs celebrated EarthDay at the Cleveland Metroparks’ West Creek Reservation on a sunny Sunday afternoon! A Naturalist gave us a tour of the Watershed Stewardship Center and lead our volunteer activity. Our cubs and their families got their hands dirty helping with the spring clean-up on the grounds surrounding the center. Everyone had fun weeding and digging!

Thank you to the Cleveland Metroparks for hosting Caring Cubs! The Cleveland Metroparks are an outstanding feature of our community. The mission of the Cleveland Metroparks is to conserve significant natural resources and enhance people’s lives by providing safe, high-quality outdoor education, recreation, and zoological opportunities.

Photos from ths event can be found on our Facebook page!

Thank you to everyone who participated and made the event a success!

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March 2015: Cleveland Sight Center

Caring Cubs met with volunteers from Case Western Reserve University at the Cleveland Sight Center this morning to lend a hand and learn about all those helped at the Center. Families took time to cut scraps of fabric in preparation for a craft, make giant Easter eggs for an upcoming party, and group sight cards for future events. Cubs were enthusiastic about having their nametags printed in braille, participated in a vision screening game, and actively listened to a presentation about a special guide dog named Martha! The Cleveland Sight Center has been helping the visually impaired in our community since 1906 and offer services to clients of any age. This was the 3rd time they welcomed the Caring Cubs for an event and we were happy to be there. Thank you to all who attended and to Lisa and her volunteers at the Center for their hospitality!

Click here for pictures of this event!


January 2015: Caring Cubs and The Gathering Place

20150119_104224_1 Caring Cubs volunteered on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day at the Westlake and Beachwood locations of The Gathering Place.  Caring Cubs decorated birthday cards for The Gathering Place to use throughout the year to celebrate their 15th year anniversary.  The cards decorated by Caring Cubs will continue to bring smiles to people in our community throughout the year!  Caring Cubs also received a tour of The Gathering Place and learned about the programs and services offered.

The Gathering Place opened in 2000 as a nonprofit, community-based cancer support center to fill an unmet need in the greater Cleveland community. The programs and services offered address the social, emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of individuals with cancer and their support network. The mission of The Gathering Place is to support, educate and empower individuals and families touched by cancer through programs and services provided free of charge.  The Gathering Place has served more than 21,500 individuals who have made over 120,000 visits.

Click here to view more pictures of the events!

Thank you to The Gathering Place and the Caring Cubs volunteers!

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December 2014: Caring Cubs and Young Athletes Cleveland

20141206_104310_2Caring Cubs ended 2014 with a memorable event!  Over 100 participants from Caring Cubs, Young Athletes Cleveland, and volunteers from Baldwin-Wallace University made this a great experience for everyone.  We did yoga, signed cards for children staying at Providence House, and decorated an impressive 350 ornaments for the Providence House Christmas tree!  We can’t wait to see pictures of the decorated tree!

More pictures of the event can be viewed on the Caring Cubs Facebook page.

20141206_103641_4 Young Athletes Cleveland is a developmentally appropriate play program targeted towards children with intellectual disabilities ages 2-7 years old. Through Young Athletes, volunteers introduce young children to the world of sport, with the goal of preparing them for Special Olympics sports training and competition when they get older. The program focuses on the basics that are crucial to cognitive development: physical activities that develop motor skills and hand-eye coordination, and the application of these physical skills through sports skills programs.  Youth Athletes currently holds events on the west side of Cleveland and athletes have come from over 26 different cities across the state.

20141206_112821_3Providence House is one of the nation’s oldest operating crisis nurseries among the 70+ in operation in the US and Canada today offering emergency shelter and care to children who are actively at risk for abuse and neglect due to family crisis. More than a shelter for at-risk children, the agency offers holistic services for children and their families including education, mentoring, case management and aftercare focused on family preservation. The primary goals of Providence House are to protect at-rick children, empower families in crisis, and build safer communities.


Thank you to Baldwin-Wallace University for hosting Caring Cubs and to the many college students who volunteered their time!

Thank you to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast Ohio for a grant to purchase supplies for this and many of our other 2014 events!





October 2014: Caring Cubs Celebrate Halloween at Kemper House

 Kemper House Olmsted Falls 9aKemper House Olmsted Falls 10aCaring Cubs spread some Halloween cheer to Kemper House residents in Mentor and Olmsted Falls. The children dressed up, created crafts with the residents, and decorated the doors with their crafts. Thank you to Kemper House for hosting us!

Thank you to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast Ohio for a grant to purchase supplies for this and many of our other 2014 events!

Click here for more pictures of the fun!

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November 2014: Caring Cubs Decorate Holiday Cards for the Military and Stuffed Animals for Local Children

Boy with cardIn honor of Veterans Day, Caring Cubs decorated over 280 holiday cards for active and retired military service members this past Saturday. The holiday cards will be distributed through the American Red Cross of Greater Cleveland’s Holiday Cards for Heroes program.  Caring Cubs is proud to support a program that brings holiday cheer to our local military heroes.  On behalf of all of us at Caring Cubs, THANK YOU to current and retired military members for their service!

Caring Cubs also collected over 270 stuffed animals, toys, books, and puzzles for the Cuyahoga County Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS). These generous donations will be placed in the DCFS “Treasure Chest”.  Items in the “Treasure Chest” are available at any time for social workers to pick out gifts for the children they are working with.  Children could receive an item for a good report card, during a visitation with their parents, or a day when they could use some cheering up.  These donations will bring smiles to children’s faces throughout the year!

Thank you to the Tri-C Early Childhood Education Program for hosting this event for the second year!  We are especially appreciative of the Educators of Today and Tomorrow Club who volunteer at our event.

Thank you to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast Ohio for a grant to purchase supplies for this and many of our other 2014 events!

Thank you to the many families who attended this event. It’s inspiring to see so many young children excited to help others and families volunteering together to make a difference.

Click here to view pictures from this great event!