
October 2013: Fun Outdoor Volunteering at the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes

Caring Cubs spent a beautiful October morning volunteering in the forest, prairie and marsh habitats of the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes.  Our families of volunteers divided into three groups and, under the guidance of a Nature Center staff member, set off to different locations throughout the park.  Our families continue to impress us with their dedication and enthusiasm to make a difference for the organization Caring Cubs is volunteering for!

Our youngest cubs and their families helped to plant trees and shrubs along a trail to protect it from erosion.  Along the hike, they were excited to discover a box turtle with an old tracking device still attached.  We’re looking forward to learning more about the history of the box turtle!

The two other groups of Caring Cubs collected seeds for future propagation and pulled invasive plants to help maintain the health of the wetland.  The volunteers had their choice of the less muddy prairie or the really muddy marsh!  Those in the marsh also enjoyed washing their boots off in the stream!

The mission of the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes is to conserve a natural area, connect people with nature and inspire environmental stewardship.  The Nature Center at Shaker Lakes was founded in 1966 as the result of a grassroots community effort to preserve the Shaker Parklands from becoming the route for a new freeway connecting Cleveland’s East Side to downtown. Thanks to the community effort ten thousand children participate annually in more than 30,000 hours of curriculum-related school programs, including a strong early childhood program for several East Side school districts and the Cleveland Public Schools. Additionally, an estimated 10,000 walkers, runners, and bird-watchers use the trails and grounds for exercise and enjoyment of nature.

Click here to view pictures of this hands-on event!