
June 2019 – Nature Center at Shaker Lakes

June 29 – Preserve our Urban Green Space – Nature Center at Shaker Lakes 

Our Cubs beat the heat by heading into the woods and helping local plants thrive by pulling vinca vines. We learned that vinca aren’t “bad” plants, they just aren’t very good at sharing space with the other plants in the forest! We also learned about the amazing urban oasis that the Nature Center provides in the middle of our city. Nice job cubs!

Click here to view photos from the event

June 2019 Cleveland Metroparks

June 19 – Caring for the Earth – Cleveland Metroparks A small but mighty group of Caring Cubs volunteers helped remove invasive mugwort from Cleveland Metroparks Watershed Stewardship Center in Parma. Our cubs pulled mugwort (some plants were taller than the cubs!) and helped give native plants room to grow. We filled 26 bags with mugwort! Each plant can contain up to 200,000 seeds…meaning that we helped remove MILLIONS of seeds this morning!

Click here to view photos from the event.



May 2019 Appletree Books

Caring Cubs made friendship cards for veterans to be distributed at Cleveland’s VA Medical Center. Thank you to all the Caring Cubs for their messages of thanks, kindness as well as the imaginative artwork! We made approximately 40 cards. A big thank you to Appletree Books for allowing us to use their space. Appletree also provided books for story time that centered around being kind and giving thanks.


March 2019 Malachi House

Caring Cubs created spring-themed wreaths for residents of Malachi House to display on their doors.  Malachi House serves people who are terminally ill, without regard to race, gender, religion or national origin and without cost to resident or family.  Malachi House ministers to individuals who need a caregiver at the end of life, who have limited or no financial resources, and are in need of special home care in the final stages of life.  The trained staff and volunteers provide spiritual, emotional and physical support with the assistance of a hospice team.

Click here for more pictures from this project.