
February 2017 Veggie U

35 cubs and their big bears labeled 4,000 garden samples for Veggie U’s educational kits (that’s over 250 bags per cub!). Plus we decorated 32 towels to help people moving into their first homes. It was a great day in Bay Village! 

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You can see more photos from this service project here!


January 2017 Hebrew Shelter Home

Thank you to the 39 people who came to the Orange Library for our service project on Sunday. Sarah Froimson, from JFSA’s Families at Risk and Hebrew Shelter Home, joined Caring Cubs for the project. Sarah taught us about the value of home and how Families at Risk provides a home to families who are in need. We read age appropriate books on how to cheer people up in even the smallest of ways. Our cubs and their families learned about Tu B’shvat, a Jewish holiday celebrating trees. The cubs made decorations for the shelter concentrating on trees. Positive paper chains; Good Deed trees; Hand print trees containing messages of hope and happiness; and Bird Feeders were made. We discussed different ways to make people smile and how to help those that are feeling sad. It was a joy to see the cubs working together to make a difference. Each caregiver was supportive and attentive to the the day’s theme. Thank you for the donations of toiletries and paper products for the families served by the Hebrew Shelter. It was a wonderful day!

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More photos from this service project can be found here!


January 2017 Haven of Rest

We had 43 friends at the North Royalton Library for our first service project of 2017! Caring Cubs welcomed Rachel Shof from Haven of Rest’s Harvest Home, a shelter for families and children in Akron. We learned about the concept of taking shelter through an age-appropriate and entertaining presentation involving animals! Cubs and their families made “be happy” cards that will be distributed on meal trays in the dining hall at the shelter as well as decorated brown paper bags for residents that pack their lunch. Rachel was delighted to see the bags and boxes of clothing, shoes, and blankets that Caring Cubs brought as a donation to the shop at the shelter. It was thoughtful to see all the kids sign their names on a poster that read “the best thing you can wear today is a smile!” Families were attentive for a reading from a book titled Empathy and the Cubs took a moment to think about putting themselves in other’s shoes. Most importantly, everyone was welcomed to our service project, thanked for following through on their commitment to Caring Cubs, and congratulated for starting the year with a choice to volunteer as a family. Well done, Caring Cubs!

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More photos from this great service project can be found here!


November 2016 Annual Tri-C Project

Over 100 volunteers helped to make a difference in our community through a variety of projects. Caring Cubs was able to host a large number of volunteers due to a wonderful partnership with the Educators of Today and Tomorrow (ETT) student club at Cuyahoga Community College Western campus. ETT students as well as additional education majors volunteered at the project and worked directly with our “cubs”.

Caring Cubs collected nearly 750 books, toys, stuffed animals, and puzzles toys to donate to the Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS). These items will go into the “Treasure Chest” and will be available at any time for social workers to pick out gifts for the children they are working with. Children could receive an item for a good report card, during a visitation with their parents, or a day when they could use some cheering up.

Our children and parents also signed and decorated over 250 holiday cards for the American Red Cross of Greater Cleveland and their Holiday Mail for Heroes program. The cards will be delivered to veterans and military families in our community as well as local military service members currently deployed.

The children especially enjoyed and had fun making 145 musical shakers! The shakers will benefit local inner city children that the Educators of Today and Tomorrow work with. ETT club members advocate for keeping music in the school curriculum and demonstrate that commitment by teaching appropriate songs, chants, rhythms, and games that the children can actively engage in to enhance their learning. Thank you to all of our volunteer families and the Tri-C Early Childhood Education Program for hosting Caring Cubs for the fourth year! We are especially appreciative of the Educators of Today and Tomorrow Club who volunteer at our service project.

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You can view more pictures from this project on our Facebook page!


September 2016 Ahuja Craft Kit Project

Thanks to all the families that spent their rainy Saturday morning with us at University Hospitals Ahuja Medical Center decorating cards and assembling dreamcatcher craft kits for patients at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital. Caring Cubs put together 80 bags of all the supplies needed to create your own dream catcher, a craft that will surely bring comfort to young patients while staying overnight in an unfamiliar bed. These kits will soon be donated to the Family and Child Life Services Department at Rainbow to be distributed throughout the entire hospital.

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More pictures from this great service project can be found HERE!


August 2016 Ben & Jerry’s Fundraiser

Caring Cubs is thankful for the generous and encouraging support of our University Heights Ben & Jerry’s scoop shop!

Our families had a great time bringing together a large collection of school supplies for Kids In Need Resource Center, while also decorating stationery for their staff … all supported by a nice, cool sugar high with proceeds benefiting Caring Cubs! Very grateful for the support, Jim and Haley!!!


More pictures from this great day can be found HERE!